Wednesday, December 31, 2008

End of the Year Evaluation

Over the years I have found taking time at the end of the year to evaluate my walk with God to be an invaluable practice. During this time I seek to evaluate how the previous year has gone, ascertain what goals were met or left undone, and where changes need to be made for the upcoming year. I also seek God for fresh vision regarding where he wants me to focus my attention for the upcoming year, set new goals, and seek to implement new practices that will hopefully bear fruit in my life, my family and my church.

Here are the questions I have used for the past five or six years in my end of the year evaluation:


1. Do you sense that you have consistently grown in your love for the Savior over the past year? If so, what have been some of the contributing factors to that growth? If not, what has prevented you from doing so?

2. What were your goals for this past year? (Don’t confine your thinking merely to “New Year’s resolutions” type goals, but also think about things God might have laid on your heart to pursue or grow in.)

3. Did you accomplish or realize evident growth in the practice of these goals?

4. Where do you currently see God’s grace producing growth in your own life?

5. What practices, disciplines or ministry opportunities do you sense God leading you to personally pursue in the coming year?

6. What regular activities or practices have been the biggest “wasters of time” in your daily schedule over the past year?

7. (A.) What steps can be taken to eliminate or reduce the amount of time spent on the above activities and (B.) what is one practice you feel led to focus on with your new found time?


1. In what areas have you witnessed consistent or extraordinary growth in the life of your spouse over the past year?

2. Husbands: List one or two areas in which you can purpose to grow in leading your wife over the next year.

3. Wives: List one or two areas in which you can purpose to grow in submission to your husband over the next year.

4. What are a few specific areas where you see room for growth in the life of your spouse?

5. What are some ways in which you may assist or encourage your spouse as they pursue growth in the areas listed above?

6. As a couple, what is one practice you would like to make into a habit during the upcoming year?

7. What are some practices, traditions or events that you would like to see implemented into our family schedule over the next year?

8. What specific ways has God’s sovereignty, goodness, or faithfulness been demonstrated in the life of your family over the past year?


1. In what ways have you been able to consistently serve the body during the past year?

2. Do you sense God wanting you to (A) pursue serving in additional/other capacities or (B) pull back from any of the above areas?

3. Has your family grown in or pursued the area of hospitality this past year? What steps can be taken to grow in this area?

4. How have you pursued relationships with or ministry opportunities toward unbelievers this past year? What specific actions can your family take to grow in these areas?

Also, here's the link to another (shorter) list of questions that Donald Whitney created for evaluation at the end of the year or a birthday: 10 Questions for the New Year

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